Wednesday, April 25, 2012


On the morning of September 17, 2011, I had a dream about the coming of Christ. When I woke up, I attempted to write down details from the dream, but I found myself unable to describe the experience in words. The dream left me in awe of God's power and the things He chose to reveal to me. It also left me feeling devasted. I couldn't shake the deep sadness I felt for the lost souls in the world.

It was as sudden as the Bible says it will be, and that creates a sense of urgency for both believers and unbelievers. For believers, this means that we have to take our responsibility to be fruitful Christians seriously. I encourage you to live a life worthy of emulation. Live in a way that allows others to experience God's love through you. As a Christian, find out what spiritual gift(s) God has given you, and discover how you can use that gift to honor God and help others grow in their relationship with Christ. I challenge myself to do the same. Sometimes, I find myself feeling unequipped to achieve things I feel God is asking me to do. I have to remind myself of God's faithfulness and the fact that it is not by my power nor by my might, but by the spirit of God that I can do all things (Zechariah 4:6). My prayer is that God continues to challenge me and that He may continue to do great things through me for the glory of His name.

If you have not given your life to Christ, I implore you to seriously consider doing so. God loves you so much! Invite Him into your life and into your heart. He is the only one capable of washing your sins away. Accept Christ, and by His grace, your life will never be the same. Psalm 34:8 - "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."

God bless you,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Music to my soul

While flipping channels today, I came across a performance of the song "No Gray" by Jonathan McReynolds. This man is talented, and the message of the song is so true and moving. I can really relate to what he's saying. Click here to check out the song. God bless!